5 Must Have Natural Hair Tools

Shop Joiful Bee must have natural hair tools at http://joifulbee.com

Hey guys, it's Joi here, and welcome back to my channel. Today we are talking about my top five natural hair tools. Whether you're trying to grow, maintain, or protect your hair, these five tools will help you get through the day.

Before we get into the video, make sure you're subscribed to my channel if you love haircare tutorials and beauty videos. Make sure to subscribe with the notification bell turned on. And more importantly, I have a great freebie for you guys. Make sure you have my free hair growth guide where you can learn the top seven mistakes that naturals are making when it comes to growing their hair out. All you have to do is go to the link in the description box.

Let's get into the top five tools. The great thing about all the tools that we're going to be talking about today is they all come in one kit. That kit is called the perfect wash day kit by Joiful Bee, which is my haircare brand. You can shop for the kit at Joiful Bee.com, and if you stay tuned to the end, I'll give you a discount code.

1st Tool

The first hair tool that I think a natural should have is something you've seen in all of my wash day videos. If you've been around on my channel, you see me use this every single wash day tutorial. And that is a shampoo scalp massaging brush. It's great for stimulating hair growth because it's like giving yourself a scalp massage. If you are currently dealing with breakage, this will help stimulate new hair growth to help combat any hair loss you might have. This also is going to help you get deep into your scalp and clean it. A clean scalp is a perfect place to start a successful week or month of growing out your hair.

2nd Tool

The second tool that I think every natural should have is a deep conditioning cap. The deep conditioning cap that comes in my hair kit is microwavable. Instead of going to the salon and having to sit under the dryer, you can be at home, add q deep conditioner to your hair, pop this in the microwave, and then put it on top of your hair and on top of a regular plastic cap. This is going to help the deep conditioner ingredients penetrate your hair strands. If you're a low porosity, you need to use heat during your deep conditioning process to help your hair stay moisturized. Using a deep conditioning cap has helped me keep my hair moisturized throughout the week because my hair is reaping the deep conditioner's benefits. Also, the deep conditioner cap has flaxseeds inside, which makes it safe and natural.

3rd Tool

The third tool is an absolute must-have, and that is a detangling brush. I have used almost every detangling brush out there, and this is my favorite. Not just because I helped bring it to fruition but because it is perfect for all hair types. The first reason is because this brush has very soft bristles. Many detangling brushes that I've seen recently have tough bristles, leading to breakage if your hair is fragile or thin. I wanted to have a brush soft with bristles spaced far enough where it's not ripping your hair. Another reason this brush is a must-have is its flexibility. This brush moves with your tangles and goes back to its original position once you're done detangling. It's so durable and works with your hair gently to pull the tangles out. Because of that, you're going to see less breakage with this brush with defined curls. I detangle with the brush in a vertical position from ends to roots. Then I define the curls in a horizontal position.

4th Tool

The fourth tool I think everyone should have is a microfiber towel because it's so soft. Regular cotton towels cause breakage on your hair. It causes too much friction, and the large fibers can catch your hair and rip the ends. You can tie this at the top of your head with the little button clasp. And you can go throughout your day while you're wearing it. Once again, it's super soft, it helps prevent breakage, and it's just super cute to wear throughout the house.

5th Tool

The last tool that I think should be in your natural hair routine is a spray bottle. But not just any spray bottle, but my big continuous spray bottle. The perfect aspect of my spray bottle is that you don't have to keep spritzing. It's durable, stays shut, does not leak, and you can add your favorite oils in here for an extra boost of moisture.

If you want to buy the kit and want to get a good discount, just go to Joiful Bee.com and enter your email, and the code will show up right there on the screen, and it will be sent to your email in case you don't see it. I hope you guys are impressed with what I came up with when developing my natural haircare brand. I hope to see all you guys using it and sending me pictures to repost. Thanks again. Bye.
